HaysMed Orthopedic Surgeon Recognized for Literary Contributions
HaysMed Orthopedic Surgeon Recognized for Literary Contributions
Hays, Kansas –Dr. Oluwaseun Akinbo, orthopedic surgeon at HaysMed was recently recognized as a top 10 reviewer for Orthopedics journal. The award recognizes the quantity, quality and timeliness of reviews for the journal. Dr. Akinbo has been recognized 4 out of the last 5 years for his contributions.
For over 40 years, Orthopedics, published by Slack, Inc. has been the preferred choice of orthopedic surgeons for clinically relevant information. A bimonthly, peer-reviewed journal, Orthopedics offers clinically valuable, original articles covering all aspects of adult and pediatric orthopedic surgery and treatment.
Dr. Akinbo has been a peer reviewer for Orthopedics since 2015. In addition, he serves as a peer reviewer for three other publications. According to Akinbo, peer review is a way to ensure that only the most rigorously researched papers make it to publication and inform practices and patient care of fellow orthopedic surgeons in an evidence based manner.