It might be hard to talk to a partner about getting tested for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), also called sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) — but it’s important to have the conversation. Chances are your partner will be glad you brought it up.
Talk before you have sex.
You can say:
- “Let’s get tested before we have sex. That way we can look out for each other.”
- “Many people who have an STI don’t know it. Why take a chance when we can know for sure?”
There are other things you may want to talk to a sex partner about. For example:
- Sexual history — like what type of protection you usually use (for example, condoms or dental dams) or the last time you got tested for STIs (including HIV)
- Risk factors — like whether you’ve had sex without a condom or used drugs with needles
Share the facts.
You can say:
- “Most STIs are easy to treat. And when they’re treated early, STIs are less likely to cause long-term health problems.”
- “STI tests are quick, simple, and usually painless. For example, rapid HIV tests can provide results from just a swab inside the mouth in only 20 minutes.”
- “If you want to get tested at home, you can get an HIV home test or self-testing kits for other STIs.”
- “If you don’t feel comfortable talking about STIs with your regular doctor, you can get tested at a clinic instead.”
Show that you care.
You can say:
- “I really care about you. I want to make sure we’re both healthy.”
- “I’ve been tested for STIs, including HIV. Are you willing to do that, too?”
- “Let’s get tested together.”
Agree to stay safe.
You can say:
- “If we’re going to have sex, using condoms is a good way to protect us both from STIs. Let’s use condoms every time we have sex.”
- “We can enjoy sex more if we know it’s safe.”