The Center for Health Improvement
The Center for Health Improvement
2500 Canterbury Drive
Hours of Operation: Monday-Thursday: 5AM – 10PM | Friday: 5AM – 8PM | Saturday: 6AM – 6PM | Sunday: 10AM – 5PM
Current Programs
Click on “What We Offer” for a full list.
The Center for Health Improvement is a 92,000 square foot facility that houses a 2-lane indoor track, Three Indoor Pools, a group fitness studio, a multi-purpose room, education room, community health library, a full size gym, and a playcenter for kids. We feature two floors of weight machines and cardiovascular equipment. While working out, you can take advantage of our Cardio Theatre system by watching one of our televisions or listening to music. A Wellness Specialist is always available to help you with any questions that you may have. The Center provides your choice of free weights or Magnum weight machines which will help you achieve your maximum workout.
The Pro-Shop and Juice Bar located within The Center provide a wholesome environment. If you want to grab a bite to eat or enjoy cup of coffee, stop by the juice bar X-press lounge. Need a swim suit or equipment to help you work out? The Pro-Shop will have what you are looking for.
Our Locker Rooms are first class, with private showers, basic grooming products, clean towels, hair dryers and a variety of other products. This will allow you to head back to the office, run errands, or go home and relax after a great workout. Our lockers can be used daily for your convenience or you can rent a locker. Locker rentals include laundry service, towel service, and a nameplate on your locker. Three family locker rooms as well as auxiliary locker rooms are available.
An Outdoor Fitness Trail lies on the east side of The Center and is well utilized by HaysMed Associates, Center Members and the Community. The distance of the paved trail is 3/4 of a mile starting at The Center and the nature trail is 1/3 of a mile.
Our mission is To Help People Get Well Sooner and Stay Well Longer in doing so making Hays the healthiest rural community in America. Our medical fitness center integrates traditional medical treatment with fitness, disease prevention and health education allowing each individual to achieve lifelong wellness. We are committed to life improvements through lifestyle change. We believe in an orchestration of care that covers all aspects of health and wellness.
Stephanie Schaffer-Howie, MS, AHFS
Fitness Director, The Center for Health Improvement
All New Memberships/Re-join Memberships are subject to the Health Enrollment Fee.
Individual membership includes an initial Health Assessment and an ActiveLinxx orientation.
Primary $50.00 (Enrollment fee with a Dr. Referral $25.00)
Monthly Membership Fee
Primary $62.00
Spouse membership includes an initial Health Assessment and an Activelinxx orientation.
Health Enrollment Fees (one time fee)
Primary $50.00 (Enrollment fee with a Dr. Referral $25.00)
Spouse $25.00
Monthly Membership Fee
Primary $62.00
Spouse $51.50
Membership includes an initial Health Assessment and an ActiveLinxx orientation.
A Child Member ages 13-21 must be a legal dependent of the Primary Member and claimed as a dependent under the Federal Income Tax guidelines.
Health Enrollment Fees (one time fee)
Primary $50.00 (Enrollment fee with a Dr. Referral $25.00)
Spouse $25.00
Dependant(s) $25.00 each
Monthly Membership Fee
Primary $60.50
Spouse $51.50
Dependant(s) $20.00 each
Family membership includes: Primary + Spouse + two dependent children
A Child Member ages 13-21 must be a legal dependent of the Primary Member and claimed as a dependent under the Federal Income Tax guidelines. Membership includes an initial Health Assessment and an ActiveLinxx orientation.
Health Enrollment Fees (one time fee)
$50.00 for entire family (if join date is the same)
$25.00 per person (if join date is not the same)
Monthly Membership Fee
$129 per month
Additional Child = $15.00 per month
To be eligible for a senior membership, individual must be 65 years of age. Senior members are locked in at a fixed rate that will not increase. Membership includes an initial Health Assessment and an ActiveLinxx orientation.
Health Enrollment Fees (one time fee)
Senior Primary $50.00 (Enrollment fee with a Dr. Referral $25.00)
Senior Spouse $25.00
Monthly Membership Fee
Senior Primary $58.25
Senior Spouse $48.00
Students memberships follow the Fort Hays State University academic calendar. Students ages 16 and up are eligible for a student membership. (If student is under the age of 18 a Waiver of Liability must be signed by parent or legal guardian before use of the facility will be allowed).
Membership Fee
**Must be 16 years of age and a full or part-time student enrolled in a minimum of 6 hours**
Winter Break $40.50
Spring Semester $162.00
Summer Semester $121.50
Fall Semester $162.00
A monthly membership is 30 consecutive days. Monthly memberships do not require payment of a Health Enrollment Fee.
Monthly Fee
Monthly Member $80.00
Guests are welcome at The Center anytime! An adult daily guest fee is $9.00 per day per person. Teen passes are $6.00 per day per person ages 13-17. A 10 day guest pass is $67.00 and can be used within a six month period. Guests will need to sign a Waiver of Liability on their first visit and check in at the Member Services desk each visit. (If a child is under the age of 18 a Waiver of Liability must be signed by parent or legal guardian before use of the facility will be allowed. Teens under age 16 MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT).
Drop in to ANY class and pay $5.00 per person per class or purchase a 10 class punch card for $45.00. Class punch card must be used within a 3-month period. Click the following link to view our Group Fitness/Aquatic Class Schedules.
Group Fitness/Aquatic Class Schedules
The Center for Health Improvement’s WorkingWell Corporate Wellness Program is a comprehensive program that includes fitness programs, WorkSMART services, and Industrial Rehabilitation. WorkingWell is a cost effective wellness program for employees in Hays and the surrounding areas.
Contact Chelsea at 623-5900 to see how we can help your business!
The Center for Health Improvement (CHI) is pleased to offer our members online access to their account information. You will be able to view and update your account profile, view monthly transaction activity, make a payment, update billing info and view attendance. On-line access will allow you to book a massage and register for programs and Group Fitness classes.
To view detailed instructions for member online services setup click “MyCHI Member Online Setup Instructions”. To begin creating your account click the MyCHI Login below. If you have any questions or comments on the member online services, call us at (785) 623-5900.
Creating a tile for your phone
Empower M.E. (EME Instructions)
“With in one year of joining The Center, John has made some big gains. Since his retirement from USD489 he had more free time but was at a loss of a regular place to work out. His regular workouts were lacking and he was not doing enough to maintain the fitness level he desired. “I needed a regular form of exercise which would help my general fitness as well as providing a cardio workout.” John found what he needed at The Center for Health Improvement and, in particular, with water aerobics and strength training which he says has helped his flexibility. One of John’s goals was to get in shape for the 16th Annual Salina Senior Games and participate in whatever events possible, in spite of a recent hip replacement. Not only did he participate, but he also set a new record at the Senior Games. I really believe that the combination of water aerobics and weight training allowed me to compete again, not to mention the encouragement that I received from other members and staff at The Center helped my attitude as I went into competition.”
“‘Oxygen Free’ are the best two words Diann has ever heard. That was the goal Diann set for herself the day her doctor diagnosed her with a lung disease in January 2014. She was told she would need supplemental oxygen for the rest of her life, 24 hours a day, and that she only had two to five years to live. Diann refused to believe this and entered the CardioPulmonry Rehab program on January 29, 2014. It was in rehab that the staff helped Diann gain her life back with exercise and strength training. After completing rehab, Diann transitioned into our 8 week LiveWell program where she gained more strength, stamina and most importantly confidence to continue exercising on her own. She also pursued additional medical consultation and refused to accept a bleak diagnosis, Diann followed the recommendations of her doctors and maintained her exercise and continued to improve. As of August 18, 2014 Diann is a member of The Center who uses the treadmill for 30 minutes every day, does not need to use any supplemental oxygen, and is looking forward to many more vibrant years of life.”
“After having a heart attack, bypass surgery and a pacemaker Mike decided it was time to make a change in order for him to stay healthy. Mike began his exercise routine in Cardiac Rehab where he said it was a very informative way to start an exercise program. It was also in Cardiac Rehab where Mike says the staff motivated him and he has since been inspired to stay healthy. Mike continued in LiveWell after Cardiac Rehab where he learned some new workouts and started to exercise more independently. The rest is history as Mike continues to exercise 3 times a week having lost weight and reduced his medications. “My ultimate goal is to make exercise a lifetime fixture in my lifestyle.”
“The impact of LiveWell on my mental and physical issues has been very positive, remarkably so. I can’t thank and praise enough the professional and compassionate work of the LiveWell team. I have started and will continue a new chapter of exercise in my life and have already realized the reward of increased stamina in four months. I’m convinced the long term rewards will follow appropriately.”
Please use the form below to sign up for our newsletter. If you would prefer contacting us by phone, call 785-623-5900.
Questions are read Monday through Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. Questions received on the weekends will be read the following Monday. You can expect to hear back on your request within 24 Hours. If you have not heard back on your request, please contact The Center at 785-623-5900.
Select Fitness Center under the Department section to find jobs at The Center for Health Improvement.