Caring for Individuals and Families Facing Serious Illness and End of Life
Our mission at HaysMed Hospice and Palliative Care is to enhance life’s journey for our patients and families facing serious illness, death and grief – and we do this by offering care and education with respect, dignity and hope.
We provide compassionate care for people of all ages facing a life-limiting illness. We always take a team approach to medical care, pain and symptom management. We provide emotional and spiritual support tailored to each patient’s needs and wishes, and offer support for loved ones as well.
Our hospice care services are Medicare certified and licensed, and we are proud to be a member of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO). Our hospice and palliative care services are designed to:
- Focus on comfort and quality of life when a cure is not possible, honoring the wishes of the patient and his or her family
- Provide physical, spiritual and emotional care to the patient and his or her loved ones
- Deliver care from a team of health professionals and support from volunteers
- Provide nurses on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week
- Cover medication, medical supplies and medical equipment for comfort related to the terminal illness
- Provide care in the person’s home, nursing home or assisted living center
- Be available to people in need of any age, religion, race or illness
- Provide care that is covered under Medicare, Medicaid and many private insurance plans, while making a commitment that no one is denied hospice care due to limited or no insurance coverage
- Encourage patient freedom – patients do not have to be homebound and are encouraged to be as active as they wish to be
- Offer bereavement services to the surviving family for at least 15 months
To contact us, call 785-623-6200 or 1-800-248-0073.
Understanding Palliative Care
Palliative care is interdisciplinary care that aims to relieve suffering and improve quality of life for families and patients with advanced illnesses. It is available to patients alongside all other appropriate medical treatments for their conditions.
Palliative care at HaysMed is designed to help patients and families:
- Understand the plan of care
- Review options and navigate a complex medical system to ensure the right care at the right time, which helps to manage pain and fear
- Review options available in the healthcare system
- Provide practical and emotional support for exhausted family caregivers
- Help coordinate and control care options
- Allow simultaneous palliation (relief) of suffering along with continued disease-modifying treatments (no requirement to give up curative care)
- Help patients understand options and feel more in control
- Relieve and reduce distress, pain, nausea, breathlessness, anxiety, depression, fatigue, weakness
- Focus on the patient and the family, not on interventions
Community Memory Tree
Each year at HaysMed Hospice and Palliative Care, we sponsor a Community Memory Tree during the holiday season – a great opportunity for you to honor someone special in your life. For a small donation of $20, a brass dove will be displayed on one of two trees located at the Miller Medical Pavilion at HaysMed and in the Dessin Fournir building at 308 W. Mill in Plainville. Click here to participate and make your submission.
Educational Offerings
Hospice staff are available to provide education classes or community in-services when requested on these and other topics related to end-of-life care:
- Hospice care
- Volunteering for hospice
- Grief and bereavement care
- Pain and symptom management at the end of life
- Palliative care – caring for the whole person and the family
- Spiritual care at the end of life
- Psychosocial issues of the patient and family when dealing with a terminal illness
- Ethical and legal issues related to the end of life
- Advanced directives (e.g., living wills and durable power of attorney for health care)
Contact our hospice office to schedule a presentation: 785-623-6200 or 1-800-248-0073.
A Team Approach to Caring for You and Your Loved Ones
Together, our team of specialists and volunteers at HaysMed Hospice and Palliative Care provide the holistic physical, emotional, spiritual, administrative and navigational support you and your family need. Our team includes:
- Medical director
- Attending physicians
- Nurses
- Speech, physical, occupational and other therapists, if needed
- Social workers
- Chaplain
- Aides
- Volunteers
Our entire team focuses on the following goals:
- Working together to support the unique and varied needs of the patient
- Providing support for the family
- Managing pain and other symptoms
- Offering emotional support
- Administering medications and managing medical supplies and equipment for comfort related to the terminal illness
- Providing teaching and support to the person and caregivers
- Arranging for short-term inpatient care available for symptoms that cannot be managed at home, or if the caregiver needs respite
- Offering grief support to surviving loved ones for at least 15 months
For each patient and family, our interdisciplinary team writes a care plan tailored to individual needs. All visits are based on individual and family preferences and the condition of the patient during the course of the illness. In addition to scheduled visits, hospice nurses are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week as needed.
To contact us for any type of assistance, call 785-623-6200 or 1-800-248-0073.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a special physician to receive hospice and palliative care services?
You can continue with your physician(s) of choice while on hospice. Our services are overseen by our Hospice Medical Director as well as our attending physicians.
Do I have to live in my own home to receive hospice services?
Hospice services are generally provided in the patient’s home. This may be an apartment, assisted living, a friend or family member’s home, or a nursing home. In order to receive services when residing in a nursing home or assisted living center, our hospice services must have a contract with the facility.
Do I have to be homebound?
Hospice patients do not have to be homebound and are encouraged to be as active as they wish.
How do I obtain hospice services?
Services are usually started at the request of the primary physician. However, inquiries can be made by the patient, family, friends, clergy or other healthcare providers. Hospice services are indicated when curative treatment will no longer be effective or is no longer desired by the patient. Permission of the patient or representative, Hospice Medical Director and primary physician are required.
What services does hospice provide?
Hospice care is provided by an interdisciplinary team of healthcare professionals and volunteers. The services routinely provided are nursing visits, social worker visits, hospice aide visits and pastoral care visits. Specially trained volunteers are available to assist when desired by the patient or family. Volunteers do not provide hands-on care. Other services provided when needed are physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and nutritional counseling. A hospice nurse is on call 24/7. Hospice pays for medications, medical supplies and equipment related to comfort care for the terminal illness.
When is hospice care appropriate?
Hospice care is appropriate for any person from birth forward who has an illness that cannot be cured, and life expectancy is less than six months. Hospice is available for any illness, such as stroke, coma, heart disease, HIV, ALS, Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, lung disease, renal (kidney) disease, cancer and any other disease in the terminal phase.
Who pays for hospice care?
Medicare, Medicaid and some private insurances cover hospice. At HaysMed, our hospice team cares for people regardless of insurance coverage. Hospice relies on donations and memorials to cover costs that exceed monies received from insurance.
Compassionate Hospice Volunteers
Volunteers are an essential part of hospice care. While our volunteers do not provide hands-on patient care, they each bring their own unique skills and gifts to assist in a variety of roles:
- Staying with patient to give caregivers a break
- Providing companionship
- Calling or visiting bereaved family members
- Assisting with support groups
- Providing administrative office support, such as mailing, copying, computer work, and filing
- Completing craft projects such as the caregiver baskets, quilts, memorial candles, holiday activities and baking
- Assisting with events such as the memorial services, volunteer training, the Community Memory Tree, garage sales, National Hospice Month activities or our All-American Breakfast
If you are 18 or older and are interested in volunteering for hospice at HaysMed, contact our office at 785-623-6200 or 1-800-248-0073.
The HaysMed Hospice and Palliative Care is located at:
2220 Canterbury Drive
Hays, KS 67601
For more information, call 785-623-6200 or 1-800-248-0073.
Quality care for Kansans
At HaysMed and across our western Kansas alliance, we bring a shared commitment to high-quality care, outcomes and experiences. Our mission is deeply rooted in our role as a resource and partner for every patient and every community we serve.